Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Garth Carters Monster AZ Bull

Garth drew his dream tag and hired me to help him fill his tag with a giant bull. I spent many hours in the field scouting and preparing for the hunt. As the hunt closed in we had our bull picked out. He was a typical 6x that would go right over the 400" mark. (will post pics of this bull soon). This bull was running with another bull that we named "Thumper." Thumper was a double main beam bull and had a dagger like horn coming straight out his head. The night before the hunt started Garth and I were staying close to the bull and lying in bed as we listened to the bulls crash horns in the meadow below us. The meadow where our big 6x and thumper roamed. The morning came and our big bull had disappeared, no sound or sight of him anywhere. We spent the next 4 days looking for this bull and realized we better get after something else. We had a few other bulls located and Garth had another one he was interested in. So on the 5th day of the hunt we changed location and Garth harvested his giant AZ 383" Bull. A few weeks later I found out that the bull that we were trying to hunt was found dead in a waterhole. He was gored by a horn and I am almost certain Thumper was the one to blame and it happened the night before the hunt. Bad Luck for us and a bad day for the big 6x!
It was a pleasure to help Garth harvest such a great bull and look forward future hunting trips!
For those of you that are not familar with Garth Carter he is the owner of Huntin' Fool. Check out his website http://www.huntinfool.com/ there is lots of great info and resource.